Annual Dues

The annual dues is currently $100 per year from June to June. Statements are sent out every spring.

Annual Meeting

Date of Annual Meeting is Thursday, August 22, 2024 @ 7pm at the Povah Community Center

Proxy Vote

Each year our association has a proxy vote. Proxies give owners a way to vote and participate even when their schedule prevents them from attending a meeting. Proxy voting is a form of voting whereby a member of a decision-making body may delegate his or her voting power to a representative, to enable a vote in absence. It allows our owner’s association to make quorum and hold votes.

It is important that each owner completes their yearly proxy vote prior to the annual meeting.

The Proxy Vote Form is included with the Annual Dues Statement. The form can be completed online, mailed to our office or brought to the annual meeting.

Date of Annual 2024 Meeting: To be Announced