Short Term Rentals

From time to time we are asked whether short term rentals are allowed in the Madison Addition. The answer is absolutely not.


Occupancy and uses of properties in the Madison Addition (the “Mad Add”) are governed by protective covenants that have been in force since the Addition was established in 1984, as well as the somewhat less restrictive Town of West Yellowstone zoning ordinances. All properties in the Mad Add are zoned either R1, R2, R3 or R4 and the covenants are very specific about what is allowed in each of those zones. None of those “R” designated zones allow for short term rentals, which are considered commercial use that are prohibited by the covenants.


The Mad Add Board of Directors has consistently interpreted the covenants to prohibit short term rentals. Town of West Yellowstone authorities have agreed with the Board on this subject. Our local police department has issued citations to owners violating rules against short term rentals.  The Board will take all necessary action to enforce our prohibitions on such rentals to avoid their undesirable impacts.

For questions, please reach out to the Board of Directors by mail or email – Board Members .

Covenants Violations

Complaints must be in writing and addressed to the Board or the Architectural Committee.
Complaints can be either emailed to our office or mailed to our post office box 212.