Contacts & Boards

The Madison Addition Owner’s Association elects a Board of Directors and Architectural Committee to protect property values in the Madison Addition
through its Protective Covenants, review new construction plans for meeting the covenant’s criteria, review plans for architectural changes to existing properties and investigate reported violations to correct them. The Board and Architectural Committee serve as volunteers trying to protect their fellow homeowners and property values.

The Board and Architectural Committee currently meet on a monthly or as needed basis. The meetings are open to the public. Please contact a Board Member to be placed on the current meeting agenda if you have any concerns. Or contact our office by email

Current Board of Directors

         President:    Open
Vice President:    Richard Carlson
Office Manager:   Robin Eyman – Email

         Treasurer:     James Eyman
          Secretary:    Tim Donnigan
Board Member:     Chris Colson

                 Email:     Board Members

Current Architectural Committee

         Committee Chair:     Maggie Anderson
     Committee Member:     Shelly Theimer

     Committee Member:     Julie Hannaford

     Committee Member:     Pam Hendricks  

     Committee Member:     

                   Email:      Architectural Committee